Digital Marketing

Social Media Industry Report: How does your Business Stack up?
Social Media Industry Report: How does your Business Stack up? 1024 682 lodestar marketing group

How does your business or industry stack up in the realm of Social Media? That’s a simple question with a slightly complex answer. Sifting through the detailed information in order to understand how your business is doing on Social Media can be daunting to say the least. However, knowing how your business is doing on…

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Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2017
Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2017 900 600 lodestar marketing group

Is it REALLY that time of year when industries start looking at what may lie ahead in the coming year? YES! It is, even though it seems like just last month it was 2015 and we were making predictions for 2016. WOW! Time flies; here we are in the fall of 2016 and we are…

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google analytics
Making the Most of Google Analytics
Making the Most of Google Analytics 900 600 lodestar marketing group

Prior to the world going digital, there were a handful of means by which a company could market themselves such as television, radio, print, outdoor and direct mail. These marketing vehicles provided a great mix of tools for reaching your target audience, but tracking the success of your campaigns within these channels could sometimes be…

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value of seo
SEO and the C-Suite: Helping your CEO Understand the Value of SEO
SEO and the C-Suite: Helping your CEO Understand the Value of SEO 1024 793 lodestar marketing group

For those of us who earn a living dealing with all things SEO, it’s easy for us to get caught up in the intricacies of the SEO world such as algorithms, key words, organic search, best practices and so on.  All of these metrics are important when it comes developing and tracking an SEO strategy…

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search rankings seo
What To Do When Search Rankings Drop
What To Do When Search Rankings Drop 1024 455 lodestar marketing group

One of the constant concerns we often hear is declining Search Rankings. One of the services we provide at lodestar marketing group is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. A combination of factors make up a great SEO strategy that strengthens rankings and helps our clients maintain a strong organic presence. However, in the digital world,…

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off page SEO checklist
The Off-Page SEO Checklist
The Off-Page SEO Checklist 598 448 lodestar marketing group

The Off-page SEO checklist. Wow! Who knew that was even “a thing?” Well, for some, that term may seem like yet another piece of new digital-lingo, in an already confusing sea of digital lingo, but for those of us who live in this world, it’s a term that has been around for a while. Off-Page…

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google adwords marketing
Google Adwords: How to Get a Better CTR with Text Ads
Google Adwords: How to Get a Better CTR with Text Ads 1024 387 lodestar marketing group

In May of this year, Google announced that their AdWords Text Ads would be getting a “huge makeover” with a change to the headlines in text advertising plus a longer description. This change is designed to make text ads more mobile friendly and is part of Google’s “mobile first” vision.  This change will offer advertisers…

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social media tips
Social Media Tips: How to Make it Work for You
Social Media Tips: How to Make it Work for You 900 600 lodestar marketing group

Unless you have been living completely off-grid for the last 5-10 years, you undoubtedly are very familiar with Social Media.  In fact, if you are like most people today, you are active on more than one social media platform. A recent article in noted that the average user is on five social media platforms. …

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landing page tips
Tips for Building an Effective Landing Page
Tips for Building an Effective Landing Page 1024 682 lodestar marketing group

One of the services that we enjoy offering here at lodestar marketing group is the chance to educate our audience on all things digital.  Honestly, there is a lot of information to absorb and understand when it comes to this digital world we live in and sometimes the terminology can get a little confusing.  For…

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New Website SEO
How to Update a Website without Losing SEO Rankings
How to Update a Website without Losing SEO Rankings 900 600 lodestar marketing group

Is it time to update your website? Have you considered how a website update may affect your SEO rankings? If not, you’re like most people who forge ahead with a new website, while your SEO person cringes a bit wondering what this will do to their work and your rankings. On the other hand, you may…

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