google adwords marketing

Google Adwords: How to Get a Better CTR with Text Ads

Google Adwords: How to Get a Better CTR with Text Ads 1024 387 Lodestar Marketing Group

In May of this year, Google announced that their AdWords Text Ads would be getting a “huge makeover” with a change to the headlines in text advertising plus a longer description. This change is designed to make text ads more mobile friendly and is part of Google’s “mobile first” vision.  This change will offer advertisers two headlines of 30 characters each replacing the current 25 character headline which significantly increases the real estate for those ads appearing at the top of the mobile search results.

Google’s New Text Ads

Not only will the headlines change, but the descriptions will be changing as well. Currently, the description lines are 35 characters each and with this change will increase to an 80 character description. The chart below offers a quick and clear breakdown of the change to come.

adwords-text-ads-new-sizesImage Source: TheSEMPost

What has necessitated this change? Well, according to a recent article in Search Engine Watch, with the rise of mobile devices, Google has found that more than half of all web traffic happens on tablets or smartphones and the text ad copy should be able to accommodate these devices and allow advertisers to better reach the “on-the-go-consumer.”

Increased ad space = higher CTR.

According to Google, early results from the beta testers (those folks who get a sneak-peak), seems to indicate an increased CTR (click through rate), to the tune of about 20% higher.  With the optimization for mobile screens and the increase in ad space, advertisers can showcase more of their products and services before customers click.

Here at lodestar marketing group, we are a Google Certified digital agency. What that means simply is that, we know Google.  We stay up on all of the changes that Google implements into the search engines and therefore know how to make adjustments as needed when it comes to serving our advertisers.  We’ve been writing engaging Text Ad copy since the beginning and we will continue to do so, however, now we’ll have the advantage of more space and characters to work with making our text ad copywriting even more efficient and yielding even better results.

If you’d like help making the transition to Google’s new text ad specifications, give us a call; we’re always happy to help.