Social Media

Strategy, design, content and management

Engage with your customers and find new ones!

There are 2.3 billion people on social sites today. It’s used for keeping in touch, networking and even seeking customer service help.

Social Media Usage Trend

75% of internet users research products on social media platforms

Global Penetration

60% of adults use social media worldwide

Build Brand Trust

71% of users who had a good social media experience with a brand or business are likely to recommend it to others

Social Media is a very important part of the marketing mix.

lodestar marketing group will help you understand and tap into social media to help promote your company, brand and messages to your target audience.


We will develop a social media strategy to help you reach your desired goals including setting KPIs, determining the right mix of social sites for your business, and a strategy for building “likes” and “follows”.


We will establish new social media accounts, set-up initial company profiles and create custom designed themes where possible. We will also review existing social media accounts and make suggestions for improvements.

Management Services

After the strategy is developed, lodestar will help manage your social media effort. This includes regular postings, re-tweets, boosting posts and paid posts.

Content Development

Our copywriters write engaging blogs, white papers, case studies, articles and more to use in your social media efforts to pull in traffic from the social networks, generate leads and build stronger relationships.

social media advertising

Analytics and ROI

All reports include detailed website statistics including total visits, unique visitors, time on site, average page views and bounce rate.

Reports include a detailed look at website visitor behavior including brand engagement activities, intent to purchase activities, leads generated and much more.

Detailed campaign and testing results are included in reports to understand costs, impressions, engagement, cost-per-click, click through rates, conversion rates and much more.

We look at costs by campaign, leads/sales generated and overall impact on your business to understand the ROI and where to best invest the budget for optimal results.

Social Media Case Studies at a Glance

B2B Lead Generation

We developed a social strategy to help this B2B technology company generate leads for their sales team. Using white papers, blogs, and webinars, we leveraged the social channels to target and communicate with their extremely targeted audience. The company is building a strong social following, receiving a regular stream of leads and is staying top of mind with important decision makers.

Pet Boarding Reservations

Everyone loves pictures of puppies and kittens! And through a robust social program, this pet boarding facility has seen double digit growth for the past three years. We promote boarding availability for last minute travel, reasons for doggie daycare and promote special offers for new customers and referrals. Since working with lodestar, this facility has a wait list nearly every weekend and holiday.

Resources for Cancer Patients

The latest cancer treatment information is vital for patients and their families. This non-profit tried posting lectures and medical papers on various social sites but no one cared! Through an innovative social campaign, this company is now building relationships with thousands of patients. This gives them the opportunity to help numerous individuals they wouldn’t have reached in the past.

Let's Talk

Contact lodestar to learn more about our social media services and how we can support your business goals.