leverage employees

Leverage Employees to Build your SEO

Leverage Employees to Build your SEO 1024 683 Lodestar Marketing Group

Everyone in the organization including top executives, department heads, subject matter experts and assistants can help improve their companies’ SEO efforts.

Get in the habit of doing these activities whenever possible and you will see your company website rankings and traffic grow.

As with all SEO activities, ensure your content includes the important keyword phrases that you are hoping to rank on and link the content back to your site, specifically to that content if possible.

Press Releases

Share company news frequently. This could be a new product launch, a new retail location, a new hire, speaking at an industry event, and more. The list goes on and on. Be sure to use your important keyword phrases within the press release and link them to the relevant areas of the website. Post your press releases on your website with links in the content to specific areas of your site. Also post the press releases on sites such as PRWeb to have them re-posted throughout the Internet.

Expert Articles

Your company is full of industry experts. Write an article, white paper or piece of content that can be utilized in the companies’ social media strategy, on the company blog or even published in an industry publication or website. As with everything else, ensure you are using phrases you want your website ranked on and link those phrases back to your website.

 Event Participation

Whenever employees participate in an industry event of any kind (tradeshows, seminars, conferences, webinars), you can promote this and get great links to your site.

  • Provide the conference site with a bio or more information about your company with anchor text that points back to your site.
  • Promote speaking engagements or participation in an event through press releases, blogs and social media posts. Use anchor text when possible to link back to your site.

 Presentation Decks

Whenever an employee creates a presentation or slideshow that includes appropriate content to share with the outside world (such as a tradeshow or conference talk), share that content out on the web.

You can:

  • Ask the conference to post it to the appropriate section on their site with a link back to your website.
  • Post it on your blog, share it on your twitter and Facebook profiles.

Internal Company Blogs

Are you trying to rank on a specific term? Write a blog about it. Be sure to include the phrase in your URL, Blog Title and throughout the content of the blog. Everyone can contribute to the company blog and these small pieces of content can make a big difference in pulling in free traffic from the search engines.

Personal Profiles/Blogs

If you have your own personal website or blog, consider adding a mention about your company or products and linking back to the site. In addition, consider adding your company with a link back to the website to your profile on Google+, Facebook, Linked In and Twitter.

 Guest Blogging

There are a lot of industry blogs that accept guest posts. Include writing for industry blogs within your blog schedule. Reach out to industry blogs and ask if they accept guest posts. Then work out a schedule and start submitting content. Remember to always link to your site within the content of the blog.

Industry Blog/Forum Participation

Do you read industry blogs and forums? Most of you probably already do so take the next step and start participating in the questions and answers. Find appropriate opportunities to mention your company and its products with a link back to the site.

 Social Media

Nearly everyone spends more time than they’d like to admit on social media sites. Take a few extra moments and help promote your company. You can share out any of the new company blogs on your personal sites. You can also post links to important company news, new products, presentation and other happenings within the company. Google+ is becoming a very important outlet for ranking on Google. If you don’t have one already, open a Google+ account and post links to your company when appropriate.

  •  Re-purpose Old Content

Most companies have tons of old content. See if you can find old content that can be repurposed. Old articles. Old blogs. Dust them off, freshen them up and then use them in your social media efforts and blogs.

  • Leverage Networks

We all know someone. Do you know a member of the local chamber, someone who runs a directory or is part of an organization that would like to promote your company? Continually keep your eyes and ears open for ways to get free quality links to your website.


Together, employees can make a big difference.

Everyone in the company needs to be a marketer to some degree. It doesn’t need to take a lot of time but if you keep these tips in the back of your mind, you can help your company increase awareness and drive more website traffic.


This article was written by Sarah Schwitters, Chief Marketing Officer at lodestar marketing group. If you would like to learn more how you can improve your SEO efforts, contact dm.lmg@lodestarmg.com for more information.