Blogging is good for SEO

How Blogging is good for your SEO

How Blogging is good for your SEO 1024 684 Lodestar Marketing Group

Is blogging really all that important to your search rankings? Well, in a word, YES, it is. As blogging has grown over the years, it has become a key player in SEO and driving traffic to your site. Here at lodestar marketing group, we are big believers in blogging and we encourage our clients to blog as much as possible. In fact, writing blogs for our clients is one of the services we provide here at lodestar marketing group. Let’s take a look at the number of ways that blogging is good for your SEO.

How Blogging Improves your SEO

  • Earn organic traffic with relevant content: Blogging consistently helps to establish you as an authority in your industry. The more you blog, the more you increase your domain relevancy. Domain relevancy is a key component in gaining Google’s trust, causing you to rank higher in SERPs. Relevant content, industry related infographics and inbound links from other reputable sites can all help to build relevant content and increase your domain relevancy.
  • Relevant content builds organic traffic: When your blog offers content that is useful to your readers, and then generates comments, this builds organic traffic to your site. The comments that your blog generates is known as “user-generated content” and you may even find that your articles become discussion pages for specific topics.
  • Recent information ranks better: Keep your information current. Blogs showing dates from previous years will not rank as well as a current blog.
    Leverage content in social media: Can you use content in your social media campaigns to provide value to your customers? If so, this can drive traffic back to your website.
  • Use content in digital marketing campaigns: Use a content syndication like Outbrain to share your content and drive traffic back to your website.

How to get started

  1. Determine top keywords for your business that you want to focus on. A great place to start is Google support.
  2. Determine long-tail keywords for your business that will help you rank higher in the SERPS. We came across this article that illustrates how using long-tail keywords can generate more targeted search results yielding better conversions.
  3. Determine the appropriate length or word-count of your blog. Some people believe shorter is better while others believe the opposite is true. Here at lodestar, we tend to strive for a medium length blog (600-1250 words) of around 700 words. The search engines tend to like this length and since improving SEO is our primary objective, this is the length we shoot for when writing blogs for our clients.
  4. Make sure you include SEO best practices. A great way to do this is to use the Yoast SEO plugin on your site if you are using WordPress. This tool helps you to formulate both a meta-title and meta-description that will boost your SEO. If your blog is SEO friendly, the Yoast tool will indicate this with a green bullet in the section of your site where you write and post your blogs.
  5. Make sure your blogging platform is on your domain and not on a different domain. In other words, purchase your domain name and choose a hosting company for your blog. This will allow you to have more control over your blog and will be more effective for driving traffic to your site.

We hope you have found this information helpful, however, if you have more questions about how to improve the SEO for your site, let’s talk. We have been successfully improving results for our clients for almost 20 years, and we can improve your results as well.