
SMS Marketing Basics

SMS Marketing Basics 1024 683 Lodestar Marketing Group

As the rising generation is connecting more with others via text messaging rather than email, it creates a new opportunity for businesses to connect with potential customers where they are at. If you’ve considered using SMS marketing, here is a rundown of what it entails.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS Marketing is a communication strategy where businesses send out mass texts to interested customers. It is a great way to spread awareness of upcoming events, new products, sales, etc.


Marketing texts can only be delivered to people who have opted-in to receive them. One easy way to do this is to have people interested text a keyword to your brand’s short code (a phone number that contains five or six digits). For example, a store can put up an advertisement that says, “Text COFFEE to 58932 to receive weekly coffee deals”. This can start the opt-in process, where you then send them automated responses on receiving future text messages. It is also good practice to let people know how many texts they will receive, such as once a week or twice a month. Be sure to review the guidelines set forth by the Federal Communications Commission, as they regulate text message marketing.

Frequency and Content of Texts

SMS marketing aims to grow a database of phone numbers over time that will hopefully turn into customers. If your texts are coming across as spam, you will be losing followers faster than you can gain them. Typically, you don’t want to text more than once a week. You want your messages to be relevant and beneficial to your followers. Are you providing a special deal, advice, or announcing an upcoming sale? Customers will continue receiving marketing texts only if they feel they are getting something worthwhile.

Is SMS Marketing Worth It?

Here are some stats to consider:

  • 98 % of adults in the US have access to a mobile device with text messaging
  • 98% of all SMS messages are opened
  • 95% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes
  • 50% of consumers say they will opt-in to text marketing when offered deals, promotions, or coupons

With these stats in mind, you can see why SMS marketing can be a massive business opportunity. As more people are using cell phones as their primary form of digital communication, it’s a great time to consider marketing to them in a familiar and convenient way.

If you’re interested in learning more about how SMS marketing can help your business, send us a note. We’d love to help.


Sources: Text Messaging Statistics 2022 – Text Messaging Trends For Businesses (